Showcase Brothels
of rotten idols and their scandals
the swindles and so, the dwindles ..
some are just poodles and others, noodles
the erstwhile pharaoh fuddles..
our entire race chuckles
to break a dream..
one of morphine
searchlights enter skin..
begging succumbs to bleeding
Brilliance - crumble, fade, bereft..
and what is left ..
are whores in showcase brothels
Showcase Brothels
of rotten idols and their scandals
the swindles and so, the dwindles ..
some are just poodles and others, noodles
the erstwhile pharaoh fuddles..
our entire race chuckles
to break a dream..
one of morphine
searchlights enter skin..
begging succumbs to bleeding
Brilliance - crumble, fade, bereft..
and what is left ..
are whores in showcase brothels
of cotton candies and cuddles...plastic and puddles....
and lonesome muddles...
someone doodles and dawdles...
while sorrow huddles...
a face curdles...
into a scream...
at the extreme...
lights get dim...
being becomes seem...,apathetic,deft...
and what is left...
someone who just ogles and gurgles...